aeration system

Nanobubble Generator

The Nanobubble system of Agrona is the only one of its kind that produces nanobubbles with an average diameter of 75 nanometers. This plug-and-play system has already been installed at various locations worldwide with satisfied growers.

High oxygen content

Clean drip lines

Improved water quality

Disease suppression

Algae breakdown

Healthy root development

Water purification and oxygen supply

The horticultural world is changing rapidly. Knowledge about all aspects of the profession is becoming more available by the day. Big improvements are sometimes found in small things, and nanobubbles are a perfect example of this. Nanobubbles are so small that they do not travel to the surface but stay afloat in the water. A nanobubble can be 1,000 times smaller than a single grain of sand, and this provides a number of unique properties. One of these properties is the ability to remain suspended in water for long periods of time, without shrinking or floating to the surface. Microbubbles, on the other hand, work a little differently. These are slightly larger in size, which is why they prevent algae growth and organic pollution. This transition causes movement in the water, and that offers advantages. In this, their effect differs from that of nanobubbles.

At least 100% oxygen

The Nanobubble Generator provides oxygen levels ranging from a minimum of 100% to a maximum of 300%, allowing roots to grow faster and more.

Mixing & circulating water

Stagnant water is detrimental to oxygen levels and accelerates the growth of algae and bacteria. Keeping the water moving prevents later problems.

Keeps drip line clean

Due to the fact that only clean water runs through the pipes, there is no more contamination. The aeration system prevents blockages and ensures a clean supply.

Crop protection

The Nanobubble Generator purifies the water and protects the crop in a biological way. Therefore growers do not need to use as many pesticides or other solvents.

Algae breakdown

Algae form quickly in water storage and take the oxygen and nutrition away from the crop. By breaking down the algae early and thus preventing it, the root environment improves.

Better performing crop

By supplying clean water and plenty of oxygen, you facilitate a more vital and resilient crop. The crop will therefore perform better.

Nanobubble Technology for industries worldwide

By shooting billions of bubbles of oxygen into the water, a water supply of clean water with an oxygen content of 150% - 200% is increased, so the system achieves a total oxygen content of up to 300%. The system is plug-and-play and can be easily connected on site. To guarantee an optimal oxygen supply, we recommend installing the Nanobubble system in the day supply, clean water silo or water basin. Because the bubbles are so small, they remain floating in the water, even during transport to the crop through the pipes. The oxygen ensures better plant growth by supporting plant development, reducing stress and preventing indirect diseases. Nanobubbles are neutrally buoyant and can therefore remain in water for weeks without rising to the surface. Even in warmer water, the bubbles are largely preserved. Discover the power of Nanobubble Technology for your industry.


* Growing healthier, larger, and more resilient crops requires high quality, oxygen enriched irrigation water.

Water Treatment

* Nanobubbles possess powerful physical and chemical properties that can be harnessed to improve water quality.

Lakes & Ponds

* Nanobubbles improve your water quality, clarity, and overall ecosystem health with an eco-friendly, chemical-free solution that is simple to install and maintain.


* Nanobubbles target some of the hardest to remove contaminants, like fats, oils, grease, surfactants, and corrosion and odor causing compounds.

research on aeration systems

Treatment of Pathogenic Fungi

A study by Eurofins into the pathogenic fungi present in the root environment shows clear results. The plants without aeration showed strong symptoms of Pythium, while the plants with aeration had significantly better root development and showed no symptoms of Pythium.

Results of the treatment without our aeration systems
Total number of fungi: 17
Results of the treatment with our aeration systems
Total number of fungi: 0


Are you interested in the Nanobubble Generator and would you like more information?

Our experts are happy to provide you with more information in a personalized meeting. During this no-obligation consultation, we’ll discuss your unique situation and explore potential opportunities together.